React Native – Why?

Learn why React Native is a popular framework for creating high-performing apps nowadays.

In this modern technology world, developing apps is a strategic decision for businesses to thrive. However, developers need help to create apps that satisfy users since their expectations rise with every new horizon. As a result, developers are looking for better and more unique ways to develop products that will stand out in the market.

Native and Hybrid apps are two broad functions of apps in the market. Native apps are created separately for each platform, such as Android, IOS, and Windows. On the other hand, Hybrid Apps are created once and used across multiple platforms. Native apps are of higher quality, have better UI/UX, and are more robust and secure, but they take a long time and cost to build. Furthermore, hybrid apps are less expensive and faster to develop but need better performance and quality.

So, choosing between quality and cost is a challenging task; you will have to make a sacrifice on one front. 

Developers build applications for Android, Android TV, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Web, Windows, and UWP by enabling them to use the React framework along with native platform capabilities. In addition, it is often used to create virtual reality applications at Oculus. It contains resources like pre-built components, libraries, and reference material. Like the framework of a home, React Native offers the basic structure of an application. Developers can customize it to fulfill their needs rather than building the application from the group up.

What is the origin of React Native?

 In 2012, Mark Zuckerberg stated, “The main mistake we made as a firm was betting too much on HTML compared to native”. Using HTML5 for Facebook’s mobile version resulted in an unstable app that accessed data slowly. He promised that Facebook would soon provide a better mobile experience.

Jordan Walke discovered a way within Facebook to generate UI components for IOS from a background JavaScript thread, which became the foundation for the React web framework. They decided to hold an internal Hackathon (hack day) to perfect this prototype so that they could build native apps with this technology.

In 2015, after several months of development, Facebook published the first version of the React JavaScript Configuration. 

What is the purpose of software tool?

The well-known feature of this software is its cross-platform development abilities. Developing software applications that are compatible with multiple mobile operating systems is referred to as cross-platform development. So, developers can use a single code base for iOS and Android apps instead of developing applications for each platform separately.

What does “Native” mean in React Native?

When software or application is native, it is designed specifically for the computer’s operating system (OS). For example, Developers design PS5 games for that particular device and operating system, allowing them to be played natively on a PS5. Designing for specific platforms, native code and native-run applications usually perform better and faster. React Native allows you to render applications natively. In other words, your app will use the same programming platform as a native application, even after not being specifically designed for that device.

Why choose React Native?

React Native can provide many solutions that some other frameworks cannot. Here is what it can offer you in terms of mobile app development.

  • Cross-platform compatibility
  • Reusable code and pre-built elements
  • Coding in a known programming language
  • Build both stable and fast applications
  • Prompt live updates
  • Support of third-party plugins
  • Rich UI
  • Community support and Business Popularity
Now, let’s look at some key advantages of React Native,
  • Developers can use React Native to create mobile apps using website innovation. As a result, a developer with experience in web development can easily create a mobile app in a short time.
  • As mentioneReact Native’s use of JavaScript components built on iOS and Android features allows developers to build cross-platform apps. It saves time and money as developers can generate different apps for multiple platforms. Furthermore, it is simple to maintain an app built with React Native since there is only one codebase.
  • Because React Native uses JSX (object-oriented programming language), a developer does not need to learn complex languages like Objective-C or Java to create an app.

React Native apps are faster and more agile; thus, being attentive provides an excellent user experience.

  • In React Native, one can quickly develop and test features using numerous libraries and tools like Expo, ESLint, Jest, and Redux.
  • It offers a good developer community.
  • It allows you to build apps faster. Instead of recompiling, one can reload an application immediately. 
Examples of applications developed with React Native
  • Facebook
  • Pinterest
  • Oculus
  • Coinbase
  • Shopify
  • Salesforce
  • Airbnb


While there are numerous options for developing mobile applications, the popularity, and open-source nature of React Native, have enabled the development community to create a comprehensive set of properties to help in the development process. Developers maintain React Native, which is a low-cost solution for quickly and easily getting applications onto various mobile devices. In addition, the framework of native is scalable and adaptable as per the needs of organizations. 

To summarize, React Native provides numerous distinct advantages. It is easier to build, has higher quality, and provides the experience of a native app without the need to develop one. Your business requirements primarily determine your choice of technology stack.

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